For the 2020–2021 hockey season, each team in Manitoba is required to appoint a Communications Officer who will be responsible for ensuring all individuals in and around the team are equipped with updated and relevant information regarding the COVID-19 health crisis. This appointed individual is ideally a parent volunteer OR a team staff member and is responsible for monitoring all relevant updates from the public health authorities and Hockey
Manitoba. For more information on this role, please visit:

Communications officers must track attendance at all team events (practices, games, off-ice meetings, etc.). This information must be kept on file for 30 days. Communications officers can track their team’s attendance at all team events using Hockey Manitoba’s Player Tracking Form or using another form or application.

General Information

  • Coaches/Instructors/participants must use the appropriate health screening tool before coming to any arena facility.
  • Coaches/Instructors/participants must stay home when ill and users are not allowed entry if they are ill with COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Follow the facility guidelines for player entrance and exit onto the ice (i.e. this should be staggered if sharing ice with another team to avoid crowding).
  • Coaches and Players are to wear masks until they are in the area of play. When on the bench Coaches must wear masks.
  • Dressing Rooms: Participants must follow facility guidelines and enforce physical distancing in dressing rooms.