Titans & Rockets Tryout Information
Thank-you for your patience as we try and navigate through this uncharted territory. We know it feels like you should have more information than you do at this point, and we feel exactly the same way!
What we do know is that Hockey MB has approved a Return to Play Plan, that you should have received via email. In this plan we are allowed to resume some hockey but with restrictions, and this will likely be the case this season. The restrictions may continually be adjusted so we will have to be flexible and work within the guidelines that are being implemented to keep us all safe and healthy as we resume sport in a global pandemic.
We are busy securing ice to host our Titans AA tryouts and Rockets evaluations. These will likely still happen in September but we aren’t 100% sure of when yet. There will also be group size restrictions, so they will look a little different this year. As soon as we have the dates, we will post them on our website.